Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Amerindian before Columbus and the Physical Geography of the Caribbean

Much of America account statement is recorded from the time Columbus and his squad of explores dry pull downed in the Caribbean piece.The first reception to establishment of Spanish in the Caribbean region was the policy of extermination in which millions of the pilot program inhabitants lost their life. Although it has become controversial on the exact number of inhabitants living in the region ahead the approach path of the Columbus, it dust clear there were a pear-shaped number of natural citizenry and the coming of Columbus really changed their life.The nature of the primaeval Americans remains a controversial solution since it is argued that on his arrival Christopher Columbus mistook the inhabitants for Indians. This is because he though he had arrived in eastside Indies since he was seeking sea street to India.The culture of Amerindian before ColumbusThe pre-Columbian nicety in the region is though to open been quite advances more that what was projected at the time. It has been revea guide that there was a high train of suppuration from social organization to development in agriculture and early(a) sciences which were employ in agriculture and in semipolitical expansion.Notably among this civilization was the expansive Maya empire which had flourished and grow from Mexico to Central American but which later(prenominal) collapsed owing to social and political strife, diseases and other ecological disasters, and man other factors (Mann, 1999).The geography of the region shows a very robust soil and seasons of heavy rainfall. This means that the region had a very high untaught potential which was well exploited by the inhabitants.The scotch landscape of the people before the coming of Europeans is mixed. While a mature number of the autochthonic inhabitants were hunters and gatherers, there was excessively a swell number which nice aquaculture and agriculture.There is evidence that some of the people lived on mixed agri culture keeping animals and exploitation crops. Therefore we can say that before the coming of Columbus, the original inhabitants had their own nonionized social life and varying economic activities in line with the ample unpolished potential of the land.When the European came and conquered the region, there were several(prenominal) changes that took place. First they immediately realized the rich agricultural potential of the land and their firmness pattern was concentrated in rich agricultural areas. What followed was mass extermination of the indigenous inhabitants so as to narrow down up large scale lands for the Europeans.It is in this land that they grew sugar plantations and other cash crops. This led to massive enslavement of the indigenous people in order to provide beat back in these large plantations. The setting up of plantations changed the approach that Europeans were using in traffic with the native.The policy of mass extermination chop-chop changed to mass enslavement to provide issue labor. There was also discovery of mineral like gold which led toenail increased trade and setting up of industries. (Mann, 1999)ConclusionIt is still controversial whether Columbus discovered South America or not. but there were original inhabitants in the land who Columbus referred to as Indians.The inhabitants were social organise and they practiced agriculture although a good number were hunters and gatherers. When European came they realized the agricultural potential of the land and immediately set up large plantation where they enslaved the indigenous people to provide free labor.ReferenceMann, C. (1999) rude(a) Revelation of the Americans before Columbus. New York Knopf create

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